We have served numerous clients both locally and internationally
- Corporate Training
- Development
- Technology Consultancy
- Managed Services
- Compliance and Knowledge Transfer

At Niaga Prestasi Sdn. Bhd. we strive to serve you the very best
Our team of experienced software developers aspire to serve you and your organization whether you are looking for a simple website or a complex AI system
We develop app natively for iOS and android as well as cross platform systems to reduce your cost of development. We provide a full spectrum of solution from the drawing board to having the app approved in Google Play and App Store.
Whether you are looking for a simple online store to sell your products or a large multivendor platform with integrated payment gateway, we have an array of off-the-shelf solutions as well as customized ones. Our eCommerce and web solutions are all designed to render seamlessly on the desktop as well as handheld devices.
Our team of experienced software developers aspire to serve you and your organization whether you are looking for a simple website or a complex AI system
We develop app natively for iOS and android as well as cross platform systems to reduce your cost of development. We provide a full spectrum of solution from the drawing board to having the app approved in Google Play and App Store.
Whether you are looking for a simple online store to sell your products or a large multivendor platform with integrated payment gateway, we have an array of off-the-shelf solutions as well as customized ones. Our eCommerce and web solutions are all designed to render seamlessly on the desktop as well as handheld devices.
Our range of web based applications include cloud based enterprise resource management system, cloud based account systems, learning management systems, content management systems as well as customized solutions
We develop customized software on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android as well as legacy systems such as UNIX. we use a variety of frontend tools depending on your requirement as well as back end tools.
In order to streamline your business, we take care of the intricate details so that you can concentrate on your core business. Our team of dedicated experts can take care of your technological warehousing, in-house software development, finance and accounts, documentation and communication requirements.
We help you optimize your resources in order to ensure efficient usage and implementation of technology. Through thorough and innovative techniques, we help you reduce redundancy and increase output. Let us study your business and help you understand what technology you really need
Since we process expertise in artificial intelligence technologies, we have developed cloud computing systems that harness the amazing power of AI coupled with cloud computing. We utilize Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) branches of AI and harnessed it for supervised work in analytics, predictions and data mining – 3 absolute huge parts of thousands of applications used by business in the cloud every single day.
At Niaga Prestgasi Sdn. Bhd, we use big data analytic solutions to help your company/organization get usable acumen to develop actionable strategies constructed on the fourfold path of capture, store, process, and analyze. Our proven big data and analytics tool proficiency, in-depth domain knowledge, data management skills, machine learning excellence, and the network for the global delivery hubs have helped us in providing a successful track record in partnering with big data and analytics initiative of leading organizations in life sciences, health care, education and networking, and telecom sectors.
AI and blockchain are two of the heartiest technology trends right now. Even though the two technologies have highly different developing spectrums and applications, we have been developing and exploring their combination.
We at Niaga Prestassi leverage the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to deliver on the promise of Block-Chain. Our key innovations include:
Computers are everywhere nowadays in one form or another but do you really need one to help you run your
Or you are maybe already using one, but are you getting the most out of it?
You have got a good setup of computers at a business; well-organized documents stored, to be retrieved at the later day.
But are they all integrated and do they all communicate with each other? When you get an email, is it
automatically grouped with the invoice and all things related to the client?
If not, then you are not using the computer efficiently or effectively. there are much different software packages on the market today, providing different facilities from contact management and customer relationship management to sales
management and accounting software packages.
If you pick the right software solutions, then your business efficiency can improve by 100 times almost overnight.
We at Niaga Prestasi Sdn. Bhd. delve into your business process understand the exact kind of software that we need. we firmly believe that software should work for you and not the other way around, which is quite often the case!
Many businesses have to change their operating procedures just to cater to the software that they are using.
We make sure that your business is equipped with the right software and it works.
We develop mobile app specializing in
Whatever your requirements are, we are confident that we can cater to your needs.
With a market size of approximately USD 50 Billion, Our eCommerce Solutions are perfectly tailored for almost any needs. Our range of eCommerce solutions include
All our solutions seamlessly integrate with a company’s mobile Apps and payment gateway ways. Our solutions have
been designed to leverage the latest social media services and platforms.
We also have industry-specific eCommerce platforms for
Our range of web-based applications include cloud-based enterprise resource management system, cloud-based account systems, learning management systems, content management systems as well as customized solutions
We have trained multinational, international and local corporations and educational institutions on topics ranging from programming to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and many more. Our trainers are all experienced with more tan a decade of adult training and equipped with a TTT Certification from HRDCorp.
In order to streamline your business, we take care of the intricate details so that you can concentrate on
core business. Our team of dedicated experts can take care of your technological warehousing, in-house
development, finance, and accounts, documentation, and communication requirements.
Not sure what technology to use or whether what you are using is optimal for your business? We can advice
best possible usage of technology to reduce your cost and increase your productivity.
Get in touch with us today. One of our dedicated team members will respond to you within two working days
Since we possess expertise in Artificial Technologies, we have developed cloud computing systems that
the amazing power of AI coupled with cloud computing. We utilize Machine learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL),
branches of AI and harnessed it for unsupervised work in analytics, predictions, and data mining – three
absolutely huge parts of thousands of applications used by businesses in the cloud every single day.
The unique marriage of cloud computing, AI and Big Data has resulted in a system that can empower your
achieve what was thought to be unachievable feasible timelines. We have provided comprehensive solutions
organizations in recent years and the results look very promising.
At Niaga Prestgasi Sdn. Bhd, we use big data analytic solutions to help your company/organization get usable
acumen to develop actionable strategies constructed on the fourfold path of capture, store, process, and
analyze. Our proven big data and analytics tool proficiency, in-depth domain knowledge, data management
machine-learning excellence, and the network for the global delivery hubs have helped us in providing a
successful track record in partnering with big data and analytics initiative of leading organizations in
sciences, health care, education and networking, and telecom sectors. We know how to run with data of both
growing start-ups and established businesses. In any case, we rely on and utilize:
Write data sources: We do so we filter your data obtained from the right sources and useful clutter, and
in an easy t use actionable form optimized for both clarities of perception and ease of use.
Useful algorithm: We believe that useful Algorithms help predict consumer/behavior which we utilize to
the recommendation in genes or modeling of actual physical process.
Data management: We implement our analytic fields into our state-of-the-art in genes by using custom-built,
commercial and open-source tools for technical and business users to allow them to easily extract value from
data and present it in various forms.
AI and blockchain are two of the heartiest technology trends right now. Even though the two technologies
highly different developing spectrums and applications, we have been developing and exploring their
combination. We at Niaga Prestassi leverage the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to deliver on
the promise of Block-Chain. Our key innovations include:
We use natural language programming and adaptive deep learning-based templates auto-code. English and Bahasa
currently supported. We are working round the clock to add other languages.
We have successfully implemented AI/Powered secured Virtual Machine to identify potential loopholes and
malicious intention in code and scripts while ensuring robustness under high-intensity attacks using a
generative adversarial network. We provide seamless integration of open and private change with a capability
multi-chain collaboration. Our system supports adaptive self-optimization and has the ability to tweak
block-chain parameters without creating a hard fork. it has the ability to evolve with the users.
Talat Fakhri. With an impressive experience of over 20 years in the IT industry, and armed with a Master Degree in the Field of Mathematics and Computing from IIT Delhi, his contribution to Niaga Prestasi makes our services to you all that much sweeter! He is currently acting in his capacity as the CTO of Niaga Prestasi Sdn. Bhd.
His expertise includes:
Software Design
Project Management
Big Data
Algorithm Design
….and the list goes on
I have had the pleasure of working with Faysal on one of our projects here in Germany. He showed great skill and entrepreneurship and it was a pleasure to working with him.
I’ve known him as the bulwark of the company. Keeping all things from a technical and administrative view run smoothly. Even with the demanding nature of his job, the ongoing business of the company wasn’t affected. Read the full Testimonial
It was apparent from the beginning of the course that Faysal has a deep understand and breadth of knowledge about programming and was more than willing to go above and beyond in making sure all questions were answered in a clear manner. Read the full Testimonial
Faysal is one of the few people I met throughout my career with high raw intelligence. Early in my career, he placed an unwarranted big bet on me. He gave me a shot at learning at Smart Surface what could take me years in other places. Read the full Testimonial
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
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